The Mintz Group sets the standard for background checking of executive and board candidates, from long list to finalist, globally. As an Official Partner of the AESC, The Mintz Group provides AESC member firms with preferred service and pricing. After a search firm finds a suitable candidate, Mintz delves into the candidate’s background and professional history, often discovering new and at times critical information that was beyond the reach of the search firm internal researchers or consultants.
Always maintaining an active dialogue with the search firm, Mintz Reports verify the professed qualifications of candidates and uncover inconsistencies, omissions or undisclosed controversies that may exist in their backgrounds. Because search firms and your clients have so much at stake in these appointments, Mintz Reports go well beyond obvious online sources and data, in all relevant languages.
Mintz works discreetly during its search work, gathering facts ethically and in compliance with privacy protections. When search firms or your clients need to vet high volumes of candidates quickly and cost effectively, The Mintz Global Verify portal makes it easy to request preliminary reports on the long list and comprehensive reports on finalists.
Through our partnership, AESC members benefit from Mintz Group’s thought leadership on executive due diligence and enjoy preferred pricing on its services.
To learn more, please visit www.mintzgroup.com, or contact:
- Peter Lagomarsino in San Francisco, 415 765 9900, plago@mintzgroup.com
- Kelsey Froehlich in London, +44 (0)20 3137 7004, kfroehlich@mintzgroup.com
- Randy Phillips in Beijing, +86 10 5957 5660, rphillips@mintzgroup.com