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Witt/Kieffer: The Chief Experience Officer

A recent article from Witt/Kieffer on chief experience officers was featured in Executive Insight magazine.  The CXO role is still developing and being defined as hospitals and health systems are beginning to handle how to be “patient-centric.”

The following is an excerpt from the article: “Certainly all staff play a role in patient experience, but it is critical that organizations have a place, and person, at which the buck stops-someone who can not only make sure the valet is opening doors correctly but also, for example, establish metrics, gather data, determine successes and failures, and communicate suggested courses for improvement to the CEO and top administrators. While the CXO might not be an official member of the C-suite just yet in every organization, the position must be more than a glorified concierge.”

The full article is featured on Witt/Kieffer’s website. Read the full article.


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