

Odgers Berndtson Interviews CEO of Goldcorp

Odgers Berndtson sat down with Chuck Jeannes, CEO of Goldcorp, the largest senior gold mining company [by market capitalization] in the world. In the interview he discusses how he is trying to change the perception of the mining sector in order to retain and attract talent.

The following is an excerpt from the interview: “Structure and a strong, focused strategy is what Jeannes has given Goldcorp. Under his direction, the company has grown into a highly successful gold producer, with mines in Canada, Mexico and Central and South America and a market capitalization of more than $23 billion. It is strong testimony to his ability as a leader.

“It’s very easy to list all of the typical points you’d see in a business book,” he says, “but to me there are certain things that are absolutely fundamental to being a good leader. First and foremost is to always lead by example.

“I’ll never ask anyone to operate in a way that I don’t. Whether it’s working hard, acting ethically, treating people with respect or working with open and frank communication, you cannot reasonably ask others to do any of them if they don’t see you doing them as well.”

The full article is published on Odgers Berndtson’s website. Read the full article.


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