

Slayton Search Partners: Exploring the Increasing Demand, Investment, and Hiring in Plant-Based Foods

What used to be a fringe food category resigned to specialty stores and half a shelf in major grocers has now seen $16 billion in investment since 2009. It’s obvious to today’s shoppers that plant-based foods are increasing in prominence, taking greater hold in stores and in wallets. As this market continues to grow with speed, there are many implications for private equity firms, traditional CPG companies, and the talent needed to drive their plant-based foods initiative.

The Growth of Plant-Based Foods

Foods and proteins derived from plants are seemingly everywhere. Naturally, there are the large, well-known players who are the face of the industry. Silk and Almond Breeze put almond milk on the map. Morningstar and BOCA removed any stigma from veggie burgers and vegan “chik’n” patties. Impossible Foods did what many couldn’t before, creating a vegan alternative to meat that looks, feels, and tastes like the real thing. Tyson Foods is set to offer vegan options this summer, while major fast food chains like Burger King and McDonald’s are capitalizing on the increased desire for meat-alternatives. At the same time, there are many startups entering the fray looking for a piece of the meatless pie.

The article also covers:

  • Investment in Plant-Based Foods Skyrockets
  • Recruiting in the Plant-Based Foods Marketplace
  • The Potential of Plant-Based Food

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