

Stanton Chase: Has LinkedIn Eliminated the “Search” from Executive Search?

With the evolution of social media, in particular LinkedIn, the traditional executive search process seems to have undergone a special metamorphosis.

Unlike the predictions that LinkedIn will eventually usurp the power wielded by executive search firms in the search for human talent, it has in fact, positively influenced the executive search process, to the extent of upgrading several aspects altogether.

According to Stanton Chase, this influence has basically manifested itself in the following ways:

  • From Search to Assessment
  • New Researcher: LinkedIn
  • Accessibility vs Exclusivity

Stanon Chase say, LinkedIn has by all means elevated the game – by simply allowing executive search firms to focus on the more abstract stages, such as the assessment and cultural alignment phases.

To read the full report, click here.

Panos Manolopoulos
Thought leadership category