The Profession
Best Practices
Diverse Leadership is Better Leadership. Whether it’s finding and assessing diverse talent, building diverse leadership teams, or working with clients to create an inclusive culture that harnesses the power of diversity, AESC Members appreciate the importance of diversity as a business imperative, and can help clients capture the enhanced business results that diversity affords.
Clients who partner with an AESC Member significantly increase their ability to find, recruit, and retain the best diverse talent around the world. Whether a client’s objective is to increase gender diversity on the board, build a truly global leadership team reflective of the marketplace, or ensure that leaders have different backgrounds and experiences to enhance innovative thinking, clients can count on AESC Members to deliver.
Board Advisory
Enhancing Board Effectiveness. Boards of Directors around the world are focused on increased professionalism as well as higher standards of performance and overall effectiveness. Standards for corporate governance may vary around the world, but all would agree that board effectiveness is dependent on a unique combination of board composition, board practices and clarity regarding roles and performance.
As board advisors, AESC Members are retained by boards to facilitate and advise on board effectiveness processes that may include assessing board culture, creating an inclusive environment that encourages innovative thinking, providing clarity on the roles of the Board, the Board Committees and each individual member and related performance evaluation, and developing effective induction and onboarding processes with special attention for first time board members. As trusted advisors, AESC Members can be counted on to enhance board effectiveness.
Data Privacy
A Relationship Built on Trust. Data integrity and cyber security are growing concerns for clients, candidates, and executive search firms. AESC Members are fully aware of their obligation to protect their databases, avoid cyber risk, and maintain the integrity of the sensitive data they may be receiving or collecting from both clients and executive candidates.
AESC Members always respect any confidential information entrusted to them by clients and candidates.